Sunday, June 14, 2009

[Day 4] A lot of food in the Night Market

Today went to their night market. Teir night market really different with Malaysia 1. They just got 3 kind of stalls in their night market.

- Food and drinks stall
- Fun fair type of playing stall
- Grocery type of stall

Here are some of the pictures I had taken~

Selling all types of bread and cake


Taiwanese called this 夹夹乐~
Inside got bear bear or doll doll can pick 1~

The street ^^

Taiwanese called this as 刈包

This is my dinner - Inside got beef, egg and the Coriander (芫荽)


Anonymous said...

刈包 nice to eat!

moo said...

ya really not bad~

I go thru ur blog...u know ahbee and ethan (JiaDe)