Today went out with friends to walk around at 斗六, a town around my University. Today we went to find some famous food around that place and they didn't disappoint us. Ok, let us see the pictures :D
人文公園 a park that located in front of Yuntech University
Yuntech University
Main gate
西市場吳記巷仔内肉圓 quite popular in Dou-Liou (斗六)
see me sweating just because wanna find this food =_=
Take 1 photo 1st :P
阿國獅嘴大王魷魚焿 創始店 very famous and there are a lot of celebrities went there before
this is the teeth
One of the chinese temple in Dou-Liou
Taiwan's watermelons are huge O.O
Nice design building in the town :D
風尚人文咖啡館 This cafe very famous in the town, alot of people come here :)